Grants and Awards
- Dr Kaiming Bi, "Using sandwich pipe for pipeline vibration control", ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), funding for three years 2015-2017 (AUD 360,000)
- A/Prof. Faris Albermani, Prof. Hong Hao, Dr Kaiming Bi, "Deep subsea pipelines", UWA UQ Bilateral Research Collaboration Award ex University of Queensland, 2012 (AUD 10,000)
§ JM Ko Medal from Advances in Structural Engineering, 2016
§ Finalist, Western Australia Premier’s Science Awards-Early Career Scientist of the Year, 2016
§ High Achieving Young Investigator Award, The University of Western Australia, 2012
§ Best Student Paper (Gold Award), Western Australia Chinese Scientists Association, 2011
§ Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Student Abroad, 2010
§ Recipient of International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS), UWA, 2008