Welcome to Dr Kaiming Bi's (毕凯明) homepage!

Dr Kaiming Bi is an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow and Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil Engineering, Curtin University. Dr Bi received his Bachelor degree of Civil Engineering in 2003 and Master degree of Bridge Engineering in 2006 from Central South University (CSU), China. He received his PhD from the University of Western Australia (UWA) in 2011. He joined the School of Civil and Resource Engineering at UWA as a Lecturer after working as a Graduate Research Assistant in UWA for one year. Dr Bi moved to Curtin University with Prof. Hong Hao's research group in March 2014.
Dr Bi's research mainly focused on Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. His research interests include but not limited to: structural vibration control, modelling and simulation of spatially varying ground motions, seismic responses of engineering structures, pounding responses and damage simulation of adjacent structures, soil-structure interaction and progressive collapse of structures.
Dr Bi's research achievements can be found from:
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=YqtkqugAAAAJ&hl=en
Scopus: www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=35108797200
Curtin personal webpage: http://oasisapps.curtin.edu.au/staff/profile/view/Kaiming.Bi
Centre webpage: http://structuraldynamics.curtin.edu.au/
Interested students are welcome to apply for Dr Bi's PhD. Please contact him for more detailed information via kaiming.bi@curtin.edu.au.
Dr Kaiming Bi
Senior Lecturer
Centre for Infrastructural Monitoring and Protection
Curtin University, Kent St, Bentley, WA 6102, Australia
Tel: +61 8 9266 5139
Fax: +61 8 9266 2681
Email: kaiming.bi@curtin.edu.au
Office: Building 204, room 512B